Avui hem pogut gaudir de teatre en llengua anglesa a l’escola amb anglesos natius, els pirates i experts en moda ens han visitat!,  cançons i balls hem pogut disfrutar …

“Pirates for tea” (Educació Infantil i Cicle Inicial”

Pirates for Tea is a jolly and active play about two pirates on the search for treasure. Full of fun, high spirits and action songs, we meet the Terrible Twosome, the most fearsome pirates in the land. Join them as they set sail on a grand adventure in search of treasure, tea and biscuits!

We pull the sails, walk the plank and look through the telescope. Pirates for Tea includes familiar songs such as Pat a Cake, I’m a Little Teapot and Polly Put the Kettle on.

Students take part! Practice the songs and actions before you see the show and then your students can sing along and do the actions.

 “Passion for fashion” (Cicle Mitjà i Superior)

This is a fast moving play set in a television news studio. Meet Nigel Newsman, our famous news presenter who thinks the most important news is about the rich and famous and what they’re wearing. Meet Robbie Rain, the clumsy weatherman and Rosie Wright, our heroine and intrepid reporter.

Based on the Emperor’s New Clothes, students will be engrossed by the world of news and fashion. Follow Rosie’s quest to get her stories out and see if Nigel realises how horrible he is before it’s too late.

Students take part! Students get the opportunity take part in catwalk parade and to bid in an auction of Michael Jackson’s clothes.

 Vídeos del teatre d’anglès.